Sunday, 15 January 2012

Green ambitions

Last year I didn't spend as much time as I would have liked in the garden. I also had a few disappointments I bought quite a few plug plants from Sarah Raven and unfortunately a lot of them did not produce flowers - may I was expecting too much from plug plants! Some fell victims to the slugs and snails who are proving to be my mortal enemy in this garden! The ones who have survived are looking decidedly sad.

This year I would like to grow more plants from seed, I already have some Larkspur, Lupins and Bishops flower...

Images from Sarah Raven

As well as Cornflowers, Quaking grass and Love-in-a-Mist...

Images from Sarah Raven

I quite enjoy this beginning of the year gardening, there's not all that much to do in the garden save a bit of tidying up and sowing the few seeds that are hardy enough to either be sown straight into the earth or into pots under cover.

But I can spend hours in an armchair looking through seed catalogues and making lists as long as my arm! I look through garden books and gaze at images of willow cloches and weathered herringbone brick patios and dream! Everything seems possible at this time of year in the garden and I look upon the coming growing season with hopes of spinach, kale, parsnips, radishes, potatoes, strawberries, blueberries, carrots and figs! (To name but a few!)

Wishing everyone the green fingers to equal their green ambitions!


  1. I was actually just looking through Sarah Raven's catalogue and wondering whether to buy the plugs, maybe I will start some seeds off instead this month. Seems like we have very similar tastes in flowers! Have fun growing.
    ps I have a give-away finishing today you might like!

  2. this time of year things can look bare and earthy but soon will be spring and all the shoots and blooms start to blossom. lovely photography ;0)

  3. My garden at this time is a very sad sight. And i'm looking forward to spring, when all the daffodils, tulips and crocus beginn to bloom.
    I love springtime. You have such a nice home and i will have a look from germany.

  4. My micro-garden is looking rather sparse right now. My problem is squirrels. I used to think they were cute until I had a garden of my own. They're so pesky! They love to uproot and chew any bulbs I plant. It was nice to see the cheery pictures of flora and fauna you posted. Roll on spring!

  5. Lovely piccies of flowers. Love in a Mist is one of my favourites. Roll on Spring!

  6. I too had my thoughts turn to gardening right after Christmas. I am reworking a garden slowly but surely in our new home. I am trying to create a style that crosses the cottage garden with a French brocante garden together. It is our second season here and I see some things that did not work well and need changing. I have never grown from seed. Are you growing them from your window sill or using a greenhouse? Wishing you a very bright and happy growing season!

    Hugs from Holland ~

    1. Armchair garden dreaming is about all I'm capable thumb is not very green I'm afraid. But I do enjoy the dreaming part. I hope this next year brings you much garden success and plenty of beautiful blooms!

    2. Hi Heidi,
      Good luck with your garden plans! In answer to your question I am growing them in a growhouse. When I first potted them up in was a mild November so I left them out on the garden table to get lots of light. Then when the frosts were forecast I bought a mini growhouse and put the seedlings in there to try to protect them.
