Tuesday 26 June 2012


Another post about the garden! I'm afraid I'm more than a little obsessed by it just now; wandering about amongst the flower beds I find myself feverishly making mental notes: no lupins next year am fed up with feeding slugs and snails, must stake earlier, need to get more verbascums and must plant peonies...

I'm quite an organised person, but as a gardener I am truly haphazard. Although I did pull it together to get a few home grown seedlings in the garden this year, I totally forgot about the "plan" - like sticking to complementary colours and really thinking about the positioning of plants. As a result some of the combinations in the garden are slightly too zingy for me or just plain odd! But at least I'm learning as I go along and hopefully I'm making less rookie mistakes.
And even the perfectionist in me gains a little pleasure from looking at the garden and thinking back to how it was when we first bought the cottage nearly two years ago.

Here's one of the first photos I took of the garden before we'd even moved in! And below are the photos of the raised flower beds that we now have on either side of the little patio area. So we've definitely come a long way!

There are two furry individuals who are not the slightest bit worried about gardening colour schemes and planting times. This pair are just happy to be out in the garden with me; playing Russian roulette with the bees, chasing sticks (I have tried telling Holly that she is not a dog!) and occasionally falling asleep amongst the flowers. And after all that hard graft, there's a cosy spot on the day bed to fall asleep on (when I'm not looking!)
I'm sure if these two could talk they would tell me to stop obsessing and just enjoy the bees and the sticks!


  1. What pretty flower beds, your garden most certainly HAS come along!
    Those two little pusses look purrfectly happy snuggled together :o)
    Rose H

  2. Your garden looks lovely, very pretty. I never have much luck with lupins either, they always get eaten!
    Jo xx

  3. Hello,
    I love your garden posts....
    soo don't worry,I only have a small forcourt, soo aspire to have a garden like yours One Day...
    Love Holly and Ivy, they are Purfect!

  4. Your garden's looking lovely! I just realised that nearly all the plants in mine are pink,not that I have many plants.Must get organised for next year.My lupins(in pots)amazingly,are producing lots of blooms,despite the slugs.
    Love your adorable cats! ;0)

    1. Ah, lupins in pots! That's such a good idea - I will have to add it on to my list of things to try for next year.

  5. I've given up on lupins too - not only is our garden naturally rife with slugs and snails, but I believe there is a huge population explosion this year due to the wet weather. Pots are possibly the way to go. Your garden looks very pretty!

    Liz :)

  6. ¡Qué bonito jardín! me encántan las dedaleras.Un saludo.

  7. Sweet kitties! Your garden is quite abundant. I like what you've done.

  8. It looks lovely, well done!

  9. Love your cats! What a wonderful job you'done with your garden!

  10. Gosh - you've done marvels with your garden - it looks wonderful! However, I'm glad to hear that I'm not the only one who's disorganised in the garden. The problem is that I'm rather good at planning, plotting and scrap booking - but not very good at the 'putting plan into action' bit...sigh!
    Paula xx

  11. How gorgeous, you have a garden that I dream of - such lovelies.

    Nina x

  12. Love your blog! Gorgeous!

    I do believe your little chap on the left is the doppleganger of my Eric (a girl so's not to get confused!)

    Such loveliness.
    Kerry xXx
